Monday, May 24, 2010

Blood thickeners wanted

I love autumn the best of all the seasons. The yellow light as the weaker sun shines through the fading leaves of the Syringa tree, the subtle colours of the grasslands  sprinkled with candy coloured cosmos and the freshness of the cold mornings.

But I wish my body would adjust quicker. I went for a run this morning. Came back, had hot tea, then a hot shower, breakfast and sat down at my desk. I just got colder and colder till my hands were numb.

On Saturday, it was the same. Even after a huge bowl of hot porridge. I ended up huddled in a blanket on the couch in the only spot of sun trying to get warm again.  Sometimes I find that after eating, my extremities get icy cold as the blood rushes to my stomach (at least I think that's why it happens). Then as autumn progresses into winter, it all eventually settles down. So I want to know? Is there something I can eat/drink to make this process hurry up?

Soon though, everything will adjust and come August/September, these same temperatures will feel too hot.

Posted via email from Go Cycling

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