Ironically, my only other two times for a visit were road cycling related so I had yet to experience their mountain bike routes. Gadget led us around the garden path until he found the start of the single track (err - right where we entered) and we were off. We had done 30 odd kms to there already and my legs were feeling the week's running and spinning but soon I forgot them with the winding single track cut through the bush crossing the stream.

The adrenalin made it worth it but we were disappointed when Gadget managed to correct his skid and not fall in. It would have been priceless. Eventually I called it a day (mindful of my run the next day) and headed back to the restaurant area to meet up with Aileen and the largest rock shandy I have ever seen. Time passed, the sun shone and the wind pumped in my face.

There was no short cut home. Worse still, it was on tar which is not right. Knobblies do not go on tar. The End.

But by the time I got back to Broadacres, my legs were a bit wobbly so I grabbed a lift home and promptly slept all afternoon. You know how it goes, the siren song of the mattress...plus I thought that I was going to suffer mightily the next day.

We cruised our way around and I decided to push the last 2kms and it felt good. So good that I was getting those goosebumps from effort. It wasn't a great time but we were all pretty happy with a good morning's work. Each of the friends had achieved a goal and we now had a handle on what additional training we had to add to the mix.
So I am looking for a 15km and a 21km to do in the next two months but I had better not neglect the riding as the next time, it might not all come together so well.
Oh yes, and on the way home from the ride, we saw lionesses with two cubs - only in Africa!
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